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- Preferred Labelskos:prefLabel
Cadre Réglementaire - SIMM
- https://vocab.ifremer.fr/scheme/SXT/simm.reglementaire ↗Go to the persistent identifier link
- Within Vocab
- Sextant
Definitionskos:definition | None |
ID | PrefLabel | Definition |
19e06ed7-0b27-4e15-8ea6-1c1fc63a4e26 | Birds Directive (BD) | |
202490d0-74e7-4a41-823e-7f54ec83b941 | Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (MSP) | |
311abf2d-6be9-472f-9f1a-ac5729745a97 | Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) | |
4582caf4-bed1-4fc8-b53a-aac739b6e957 | National Coastline Strategy | |
588d0fdc-6e5a-4c87-8861-49f7ff122141 | Marine Protected Areas | Marine Protected Areas |
5a262bfc-e4c0-4dcb-9de1-df5ba08cef98 | Invasive Alien Species (IAS) Regulation | |
5ffc6dd8-bdeb-4484-bbbd-3f813cff9da0 | Water Framework Directive (WFD) | |
6c48c58e-a7f1-42fc-89a5-92819d50b9c7 | Convention on Biological Diversity | |
8cc9e95b-7746-4e90-8dbd-f62bd834aa19 | Regional Sea Conventions | |
cc26cbb5-4563-4443-8f9f-0baf3465a3c4 | Habitats Directive (HD) | |
e23fee72-c17f-4b07-96bd-39b2b0e8dcd0 | Waste Framework Directive (WaFD) | Directive Cadre sur les Déchets |
ecb47d97-61c0-4cbe-b1ae-23dc9b59ac54 | Common fisheries policy (CFP) | |
f6f29f14-e5c8-49a4-8a93-174897c436d6 | National Strategy for the Sea and Coastline | |
f6f9c54f-2615-411e-8a52-653f1a470486 | International Maritime Organisation conventions and protocols | |
fc2ddbcc-e172-41dc-9b1f-3067f4c99a84 | Bathing Water Directive (BWD) |