ID PrefLabel Definition
1500646c-46f5-4da2-b6b2-2bfa6eb9415d CDS-AVISO AVISO data centre and satellite services
34c66ea5-3b28-4a1f-9cd7-623c827dc525 CDS-SISMER SISMER data centre and in situ services
5c8a927b-6d39-4506-9b8b-88908a2974c3 CDS-CORIOLIS Coriolis data centre and in situ services
66b253d4-1e05-454b-9641-4e281c11431a CDS-Shom Data centre and in situ services Shom
720a0782-03c4-46a4-a35a-e5bd71d741b8 CDS-CERSAT Centre de données et services satellites CERSAT
730d8bf9-3a8c-4a21-bdf3-614968c5e3cb CDS-OASU Data centre and in situ services for the Aquitaine Observatory for the Sciences of the Universe
807b0273-8206-420f-91f4-e0dcdd13110c CDS-STAMAR Institut de la Mer de Villefranche data centre and in situ services
840271f5-c45f-46d3-9fcf-e23fcf802d71 CDS-OMP Midi-Pyrénées Observatory data centre and in situ services
85787e11-f61e-4af7-a39a-bb9aea8d0447 CDS-Couleur Colour of the ocean