ID PrefLabel Definition
ALKW Total alkalinity
ALKY Total alkalinity
AMON Ammonium (NH4-N)
ATMP Atmospheric pressure at altitude
ATMS Atmospheric pressure at sea level
ATPT Atmospheric pressure hourly tendency
BATH Bathymetric depth
BEAR(2)(3) Bearing away from instrument
CHLT Total chlorophyll
CNDC Electrical conductivity
CORW(2) Dissolved organic carbon
CPHL Chlorophyll-a
DENS Sea density (sigma-theta)
DEPH Depth
DEWT Dew point temperature
DOX1 Dissolved oxygen
DOX2 Dissolved oxygen
DOXY Dissolved oxygen
DRVA(2)(3) Direction of radial vector away from instrument
DRYT Air temperature in dry bulb
EWCT West-east current component
FCO2 CO2 fugacity
FLU2 Chlorophyll-a fluorescence
FREQUENCY(4) Central frequency of the band
GDIR Gust wind from direction relative true north
GSPD Gust wind speed
HCDT Current to direction relative true north
HCSP Horizontal current speed
LATITUDE Latitude of each location
LGH4 Surface incoming photosynthetic active radiation
LGHT Immerged incoming photosynthetic active radiation
LINC Longwave/atmospheric incoming radiation
LONGITUDE Longitude of each location
NGDW(2) Dissolved nitrogen
NODW Dissolved organic nitrogen
NRAD Net total incoming radiation
NSCT South-north current component
NTAW Nitrate (NO3-N)
NTIW Nitrite (NO2-N)
NTRA Nitrate (NO3-N)
NTRI Nitrite (NO2-N)
NTRZ Nitrate + Nitrite
OSAT Oxygen saturation
PCO2 CO2 partial pressure
PH25(2) Ph at 25 °C and 0 dbar
PHOS Phosphate (PO4-P)
PHOW Phosphate (PO4-P)
PRES Sea pressure
PRRD Daily precipitation rate (liquid water equivalent)
PRRT Hourly precipitation rate (liquid water equivalent)
PSAL Practical salinity
RDIN Total incoming radiation
RDVA(2)(3) Radial sea water velocity away from instrument
RELH Relative humidity
RNGE(2)(3) Range away from instrument
RVFL River flow rate
SINC Shortwave/solar incoming radiation
SLCA Silicate (SIO4-SI)
SLCW Silicate (SIO4-SI)
SLEV Water surface height above a specific datum
STHETA1(2)(4) Directional spread around THETA1
STHETA2(2)(4) Directional spread around THETA2
SVEL Sound velocity
TEMP Sea temperature
THETA1(2)(4) Mean wave from direction
THETA2(2)(4) Principal wave from direction
TICW Dissolved inorganic carbon
TSMP Total suspended matter
TUR4 Turbidity
VAVH Average height highest 1/3 wave (H1/3)
VAVT Average period highest 1/3 wave (T1/3)
VCMX Maximum crest trough wave height (Hc,max)
VCSP Bottom-top current component
VDIR Wave direction rel. true north
VEMH(2) Estimated maximum wave height
VEPK Wave spectrum peak energy (Smax)
VGHS(2) Generic significant wave height (Hs)
VGTA(2) Generic average wave period
VH110(2) Average height highest 1/10 wave (H1/10)
VHM0 Spectral significant wave height (Hm0)
VHZA(2) Average zero crossing wave height (Hzm)
VMDR Mean wave direction from (Mdir)
VMNL(2) Depth of the deepest trough
VMXL Height of the highest crest
VPED Wave principal direction at spectral peak
VPSP Wave directional spreading at spectral peak
VSPEC1D(2)(4) Wave scalar spectral density
VST1(2) Maximum wave steepness
VT110(2) Average period highest 1/10 wave (T1/10)
VTM02(2) Spectral moments (0,2) wave period (Tm02)
VTM10(2) Spectral moments (-1,0) wave period (Tm-10)
VTMX(2) Maximum wave period (Tmax)
VTPK Wave period at spectral peak / peak period (Tp)
VTZA Average zero crossing wave period (Tz)
VTZM(2) Period of the highest wave (Thmax)
VZMX Maximum zero crossing wave height (Hmax)
WBFO Beaufort wind force
WDIR Wind from direction relative true north
WETT Air temperature in wet bulb
WSPD Horizontal wind speed
WSPE West-east wind component
WSPN South-north wind component