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Copernicus Physical Parameters
- https://vocab.ifremer.fr/scheme/COP/COP06 ↗Go to the persistent identifier link
- Within Vocab
- Copernicus
Definitionskos:definition | Physical Parameters |
ID | PrefLabel | Definition |
ALKW | Total alkalinity | |
ALKY | Total alkalinity | |
AMON | Ammonium (NH4-N) | |
ATMP | Atmospheric pressure at altitude | |
ATMS | Atmospheric pressure at sea level | |
ATPT | Atmospheric pressure hourly tendency | |
BATH | Bathymetric depth | |
BEAR(2)(3) | Bearing away from instrument | |
CDOM | Cdom | |
CHLT | Total chlorophyll | |
CNDC | Electrical conductivity | |
CORW(2) | Dissolved organic carbon | |
CPHL | Chlorophyll-a | |
DENS | Sea density (sigma-theta) | |
DEPH | Depth | |
DEWT | Dew point temperature | |
DOX1 | Dissolved oxygen | |
DOX2 | Dissolved oxygen | |
DOXY | Dissolved oxygen | |
DRVA(2)(3) | Direction of radial vector away from instrument | |
DRYT | Air temperature in dry bulb | |
EWCT | West-east current component | |
FCO2 | CO2 fugacity | |
FLU2 | Chlorophyll-a fluorescence | |
FREQUENCY(4) | Central frequency of the band | |
GDIR | Gust wind from direction relative true north | |
GSPD | Gust wind speed | |
HCDT | Current to direction relative true north | |
HCSP | Horizontal current speed | |
LATITUDE | Latitude of each location | |
LGH4 | Surface incoming photosynthetic active radiation | |
LGHT | Immerged incoming photosynthetic active radiation | |
LINC | Longwave/atmospheric incoming radiation | |
LONGITUDE | Longitude of each location | |
NGDW(2) | Dissolved nitrogen | |
NODW | Dissolved organic nitrogen | |
NRAD | Net total incoming radiation | |
NSCT | South-north current component | |
NTAW | Nitrate (NO3-N) | |
NTIW | Nitrite (NO2-N) | |
NTRA | Nitrate (NO3-N) | |
NTRI | Nitrite (NO2-N) | |
NTRZ | Nitrate + Nitrite | |
OSAT | Oxygen saturation | |
PCO2 | CO2 partial pressure | |
PH25(2) | Ph at 25 °C and 0 dbar | |
PHOS | Phosphate (PO4-P) | |
PHOW | Phosphate (PO4-P) | |
PHPH | Ph | |
PRES | Sea pressure | |
PRRD | Daily precipitation rate (liquid water equivalent) | |
PRRT | Hourly precipitation rate (liquid water equivalent) | |
PSAL | Practical salinity | |
RDIN | Total incoming radiation | |
RDVA(2)(3) | Radial sea water velocity away from instrument | |
RELH | Relative humidity | |
RNGE(2)(3) | Range away from instrument | |
RVFL | River flow rate | |
SINC | Shortwave/solar incoming radiation | |
SLCA | Silicate (SIO4-SI) | |
SLCW | Silicate (SIO4-SI) | |
SLEV | Water surface height above a specific datum | |
STHETA1(2)(4) | Directional spread around THETA1 | |
STHETA2(2)(4) | Directional spread around THETA2 | |
SVEL | Sound velocity | |
TEMP | Sea temperature | |
THETA1(2)(4) | Mean wave from direction | |
THETA2(2)(4) | Principal wave from direction | |
TICW | Dissolved inorganic carbon | |
TIME | Time | |
TSMP | Total suspended matter | |
TUR4 | Turbidity | |
VAVH | Average height highest 1/3 wave (H1/3) | |
VAVT | Average period highest 1/3 wave (T1/3) | |
VCMX | Maximum crest trough wave height (Hc,max) | |
VCSP | Bottom-top current component | |
VDIR | Wave direction rel. true north | |
VEMH(2) | Estimated maximum wave height | |
VEPK | Wave spectrum peak energy (Smax) | |
VGHS(2) | Generic significant wave height (Hs) | |
VGTA(2) | Generic average wave period | |
VH110(2) | Average height highest 1/10 wave (H1/10) | |
VHM0 | Spectral significant wave height (Hm0) | |
VHZA(2) | Average zero crossing wave height (Hzm) | |
VMDR | Mean wave direction from (Mdir) | |
VMNL(2) | Depth of the deepest trough | |
VMXL | Height of the highest crest | |
VPED | Wave principal direction at spectral peak | |
VPSP | Wave directional spreading at spectral peak | |
VSPEC1D(2)(4) | Wave scalar spectral density | |
VST1(2) | Maximum wave steepness | |
VT110(2) | Average period highest 1/10 wave (T1/10) | |
VTM02(2) | Spectral moments (0,2) wave period (Tm02) | |
VTM10(2) | Spectral moments (-1,0) wave period (Tm-10) | |
VTMX(2) | Maximum wave period (Tmax) | |
VTPK | Wave period at spectral peak / peak period (Tp) | |
VTZA | Average zero crossing wave period (Tz) | |
VTZM(2) | Period of the highest wave (Thmax) | |
VZMX | Maximum zero crossing wave height (Hmax) | |
WBFO | Beaufort wind force | |
WDIR | Wind from direction relative true north | |
WETT | Air temperature in wet bulb | |
WSPD | Horizontal wind speed | |
WSPE | West-east wind component | |
WSPN | South-north wind component |