ID PrefLabel Definition
0 No QC performed No quality control was performed.
1 Good data All real-time QC tests passed.
2 Probably Good Data These data should be used with caution
3 Bad data that are potentially correctable These data are not to be used without scientific correction.
4 Bad data Data have failed one or more of the tests.
5 Value changed Data may be recovered after transmission error.
6 Value below detection The level of the measured phenomenon was too small to be quantified/detected by the technique employed to measure it. The accompanying value is the quantification/detection limit for the technique or zero if that value is unknown.
7 Nominal value Data were not observed but reported. Example : an instrument target depth.
8 Interpolated value Missing data may be interpolated from neighbouring data in space of time.
9 Missing value The value is missing, is not reported, is not applicable...